
Contributing to Socio-Economic Transformation of Smallholder Farm Households
Promoting adoption of environmentally sustainable and climate-smart farming technologies
Increasing farm profits and overall household incomes
We supply of improved seeds, pest and disease management products
Our Company was founded in August, 2014 to respond to the Socio-Economic needs of rural smallholders in Teso, Lango and Karamoja regions. We primarily started as an agro input trading company providing improved farm technologies and extension advice to the farmers within our target area of operation. This operation later grew to include wholesaling of agro inputs to sub county based agro input dealers within Teso, Lango and Karamoja sub Regions.
In 2014, the company started engaging in provision of agricultural and non-agricultural supplies to Government and Non-Government entities to be able to grow the revenues and profits
The company today, has interests in Government Procurements where we undertake the supply of food and non-food stuff to the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces (UPDF) through the contract signed between our company and the Ministry of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
We as an offtaker company buy and bulk maize and bean grains, add value and package for onward delivery to our end customers. We provide to our market UNBS Certified Beans and Maize flour. In this we are able to provide our farmers with market linkage to the Government feeding program of its personnel.
Our Philosophy
We believe that for meaningful Socio-Economic transformation to occur and for poverty levels to drop among small holder farmer households, there should be deliberate effort by key stakeholders like Government, Private Sector actors and Development partners to create for these farmers sustainable and profitable market linkages for the produce that will be harvested. When farmers are sure of the market for their farm produce, they will have the motivation to invest in modern farming technologies such as foundation seed, fertilizers, farm equipment and value differentiation technologies. Farmers will have no problem selling off some goats, chicken and other livestock in their backyards to purchase the technologies. Government and Agriculture NGOs will therefore not need to purchase seeds and other technologies for free distribution to the farmers.
When smallholders are motivated to shift to commercial agriculture and markets for farm products are available, household incomes will dramatically increase, poverty levels will decline and standards of living among the rural poor majority of whom are smallholders will fall.

Our Services

Supply of improved seeds, pest and disease management products
We know that bumper harvests start with high quality seed. As a company, we work with various actors in the agricultural sector to bring technologies closer to our farmers. Through our agriculture input dealership, we outsource improved seeds with high yielding, drought tolerant, disease resistant, fast maturing and nutritional fortification traits and sell them to our farmers. The seeds are outsourced from Certified Seed Producers such as NASECO, NARO, SYNGENTA, and SYOVA SEED among others.

Supply of farm equipment
We expose our farmers to appropriate and affordable farm technologies such as use of animal drawn ploughs, walking tractors, shelling machines, threshing machines, spray pumps and also link them to private service providers who may have the equipment for hire by farmers at the exact time of need.

Provision of extension services
All our farmers have access to free extension advice with regards to seed selection, planting, weed management, pest and disease control, post-harvest handling and value addition. Our team of agriculture extension officers/Technical Sales personnel conduct farmer trainings during field visits to equip farmers with skills on recommended farming practices.

Bulking and value addition
We purchase grains from rural based aggregators and have them delivered to our warehousing, cleaning, grading and packaging facilities where product differentiation is done for onward supply to our end user clients.